Redux Saga Error Handling

Yini Yin
1 min readMar 2, 2020

Problem: the try-catch insanity

Again, I admit I have done it, we all have done it. Another copy and paste job from some tutorial that written up in 2 minutes for the purpose of learning NOT fit for production code that is littered with try-catch.

Here is a contrived example:

As you can see, this is not very good for our mental healthy, let’s see if we can do it better.

Option 1: try-catch wrapper

As per Unix Error handling principle “If we don’t have anything interesting to say, keep it quiet”. Meaning if we don’t have any value to add to solving the error, let it bubble up to the root error handler which is Option-2 below.

In the case that we don’t want error to bubble up to root Saga, or we are interested in handling in a specific saga, we wrap the saga generator in a safe generator.

onError handler can dispatch an event if we want the error to be handled somewhere else in the code base.

const onError = (err:any) => yield put(actions.requestError(err))

Option 2: Global error handler

So we have to options here:

1. Add an onError function to the middleware option.

2. Chain a catch function at returned promise of

Okay thanks for reading if you have any suggestions please PR me on Github.



Yini Yin

Try not to be a jack of all trades always end up being one. Dev@Barin